Does your Snap score increase when you view stories?

Does your Snap score increase when you view stories

Ever wondered if your Snapchat score goes up when you check out people’s stories?

Does your Snap score increase when you view stories?

Let’s unravel the secrets behind Snapchat scores and see if your score increases when you view stories.

What is a Snap score?

A snap score is a number that indicates your activity on Snapchat. It depends on many factors. Let’s see what factors decide your Snap score.

  • Every sent and received Snap adds one point to your Snap score.
  • When you share snaps on your story, your Snap score increases.
  • Text messages do not contribute to your Snap score.
  • Viewing the stories of friends will not increase your Snap score.

Does your Snap score increase when you view stories?

Snapchat scores increase when sending and receiving snaps, including photos and videos. Does your Snap score increase when you view stories?

Quick Answer

Your Snap score does not increase when you simply view someone’s story. There is no direct engagement when you view a story. It is considered passive observation. This is why it does not contribute to your score.

Here are some ways to engage with stories that indirectly contribute to your score:

Replying to stories: When you send a message in response to someone’s story, it counts as a snap, hence adding a point to your score.

Reacting to stories: Using emoji reactions like “fire” or “laugh” counts as a snap as well, boosting your score.

Sharing stories: Posting your own stories encourages others to view them and potentially engage through replies or reactions, indirectly influencing your score through your content’s engagement.

Read also: Does your Snap score increase when you send snaps to yourself?

Factors that contribute to your Snap score

Sending and receiving snaps:

When you send and receive a snap, your snap score goes up.

Posting snaps to your story:

Sharing your snaps in your story also contributes to your score.

Additional factors:

Adding friends, using filters, and interacting with certain features might also play a role in score growth.

Factors that don’t contribute to your Snap score

Viewing snaps and stories:

Simply watching other people’s snaps and stories doesn’t affect your score.


Text messages sent through Snapchat chat don’t affect your score.

Unopened messages:

Leaving Snaps unopened does not affect your score in any way.

Viewing someone’s profile or public information:

Browsing another user’s profile, including their bio, username, or Bitmoji avatar, doesn’t trigger any score changes.

Points to Remember

  • Your Snap score increases by one point when you receive a snap.
  • The Snap score goes up when you send Snap to your friend.
  • Your Snap score doesn’t increase if you leave snaps unopened.
  • Text messages don’t affect your snap score.
  • Your Snap score does not increase when you simply view someone’s story.
  • Your snap score doesn’t increase when you view someone’s profile.

Does your snap score increase when you receive a snap?

Yes, your Snap score increases by one point every time you receive a snap, regardless if it’s a photo, video, text snap, or an open snap.

Does Snapchat notify you when someone checks your Snap Score?

Snapchat does not notify you when someone checks your Snap score.

And in the same way, your friends won’t be notified when you check their Snap score.

Does your Snap score increase with unopened snaps?

No, your Snap score will not increase if you do not open your received snaps. You have to open the Snap to increase the Snap score.


Does your Snap score increase when you view stories?

No, your snap score does not increase when you view stories.

Does your Snap score increase with unopened snaps?

No, you have to open the Snaps if you want to increase your Snap score.

Does Snapchat notify you when you check the Snap Score?

No, Snapchat does not send any notifications when you check someone’s snap score.

Does your snap score increase when you receive a snap?

Yes, receiving a snap increases the snap score when you open the snap.

Read also: Does your Snap score increase when you send snaps to yourself?


Your Snap score does not increase when you view someone’s story.

Your snap score depends on sending and receiving snaps.

Whenever you send and receive a Snap from your friends, your Snap score increases.

I hope you enjoyed the article. Do not forget to share your Snap score in the comment below.

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