Does Snapchat Premium show remixed snaps?

Do you have a Snapchat Plus subscription and want to know whether Snapchat Plus shows remixed snaps?

Does Snapchat Premium show remixed snaps?

“Snapchat Premium doesn’t have a special feature just for showcasing remixed snaps. Right now, whether you’re using the free version or Premium, remixed snaps work the same way for everyone.”

In this article, we will also cover what are remixed Snaps and does Snapchat notify a user if you remix their Snap.

What are remixed snaps?

Remixed Snaps on Snapchat are a way to add your own twist to someone else’s story snap. It’s like a TikTok duet or Instagram “replying” feature, but for Snapchat. Here’s how it works:

Creating a Remix:

Find the snap: You can only remix snaps from someone else’s story, not from direct messages.

Tap and hold: Find the snap you want to react to and press and hold on it.

Remix it: Choose “Remix Snap” from the menu that pops up.

Add your spin: Record your own video alongside the original snap, using any Snapchat features like filters, lenses, or text.

Sharing a Remix:

You can only send your remixed snap directly to the person who posted the original snap, not share it publicly or add it to your own story.

They won’t see the actual remixed snap itself, but they will see a screenshot of your reaction alongside the original snap in their “My Story” section.

Viewing Remixed Snaps:

You can only see remixed snaps of your own story if someone chooses to remix it and sends it to you.

You won’t see remixed snaps from other people’s stories unless they send them to you directly.

If you remix a snap and screenshot, does it tell them?

No, taking a screenshot of a remixed snap won’t notify the original poster. Both Snapchat Premium and the free version handle screenshots of Remixed Snaps in the same way:

  • Only the screenshot: The original poster only sees a screenshot of your remixed snap (a still image) appear in their My Story section, not the actual recorded video with the remix.
  • No screenshot notification: They won’t receive any notification that you specifically took a screenshot of their remixed snap. So, you can take a screenshot for personal reference or share it with others without them knowing.

Does Snapchat notify a user if you remix their snap?

When someone remixes your Snap, it shows up like they took a screenshot in the My Story section.

“If you remix a Snap from a friend or they remix one you sent, they’ll get a regular screenshot notification. It lets them know, but it’s not anything special or different.”


You create your own video reaction to someone’s story Snap. The original poster receives no notification.

Screenshotting (Optional):

You take a screenshot of your remixed snap. The original poster still receives no notification.

Viewing in My Story:

The screenshot of your remixed snap appears in their My Story section, but they can’t tell whether you took a screenshot or simply viewed their snap.

Key Points:
  • No direct screenshot notifications are triggered for Remixed Snaps.
  • The screenshot’s appearance in My Story is the only hint of interaction.
  • The original poster can’t distinguish between a screenshot and a simple view.

Does Snapchat Premium show remixed snaps?

No, Snapchat Premium doesn’t offer any special features for viewing remixed snaps. Whether you have the free version or Premium, remixed snaps work the same way:

Creating a Remix: You can only remix snaps from a story, not direct messages. You long-press the snap and select “Remix Snap.”

Sharing Remixed Snaps: You can only send your remixed snap directly to the person who posted the original snap, not publicly or to your own story.

Viewing Remixed Snaps: The original poster only sees a screenshot of your remixed snap in their “My Story” section, not the full video.

Read also: Does Snapchat Premium show deleted messages (2024)?


Snapchat Premium does not show remixed snaps. Whether you have the free version or Premium, remixed snaps work the same way.

When someone remixes your Snap, it shows up like they took a screenshot in the My Story section.

Have you tried Snapchat’s “remix snap” feature?

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