Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s profile?

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone's profile

We all love checking out profiles. But with Snapchat being big on privacy, you might be wondering: Can I see someone’s profile without any notification alert?

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s profile?

Quick Answer

No, Snapchat does not notify users when you look at their profile. Snapchat does not notify users of any public information available on the profile page, including their username, Snapchat score, profile picture, and Bitmoji.

In this article, we will discuss what happens when you see someone’s profile. Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s profile?

Snapchat and notifications

Snapchat is one of the most popular messaging platforms. It was launched in 2011 and quickly gained popularity, particularly among younger audiences, for its unique features. It allows users to send pictures, videos, and messages that disappear after being viewed.

It provides users with a comfortable environment to share their content. Snapchat is very clear about its privacy policies, and when a user tries to breach its policies, let’s see when Snapchat sends a notification.

Notification-triggering actions:

Screeshot notifications
source: snapchat
  • When you screenshot your friends’ profiles and stories, they will be notified.
  • If you screenshot a private snap someone sent you directly, they will be notified.
  • Watching a snap more than once within 24 hours (a replay) also sends a notification.

Non-notification activities:

  • Snapchat doesn’t notify users when someone screenshots public snaps and stories if they are not friends.
  • When you screenshot someone’s public profile who is not on your friends list, they will not be notified.
  • Snapchat does not notify when you view someone’s profile, including their username, bio, and Bitmoji avatar.

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s profile?

Snapchat doesn’t directly notify users when you look at their profile. You cannot see who viewed your profile, and Snapchat does not send a notification when you screenshot someone’s public profile who is not on your friends list.

Snapchat does not tell when you look at someone’s profile. So, there’s no need to worry if you want to see someone’s profile. You can freely browse profiles without fear of triggering notifications.

Key Points:

  • Snapchat focuses on user privacy and avoids sharing information about specific profile visits so that users can freely browse profiles without fear of triggering notifications.
  • Your profile information is publicly accessible to everyone who is on your friends list. That is why Snapchat does not send you notifications when your friend views your profile. Private profiles can’t be accessed if you are not on their friend list.
  • Instead of notifying you about profile views, Snapchat tells you about the things that directly involve you, like getting snaps, messages, or when someone adds you as a friend.

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s public profile?

No, Snapchat does not send any notifications to the user when you view their public profile. This includes their username, Snapchat score, profile picture, Bitmoji, and any publicly listed information on their profile page.

If the user’s profile is private, you won’t be able to see their profile until you become friends.

Does Snapchat Premium show who viewed your profile?

“No, Snapchat Premium does not show you who has viewed your profile. This applies to both free and premium users.”

Snapchat doesn’t notify users when someone views their profile. This includes checking usernames, bios, or even Snapchat scores.

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s location?

No, Snapchat does not tell when you look at someone’s location on the snap map. You can freely find your friends on Snapchat without them receiving any notification or alert.

Viewing someone’s location does not trigger any alerts. Your profile on Snap Map only updates when you have Snapchat open, not when it’s running in the background.

Does someone know if you checked their Snapchat score?

Snapchat does not notify the person if you check their Snapchat score. You can check anyone’s Snap score without them receiving a notification.

Unlike features like group chats or stories, your username doesn’t appear in any “viewers” list or notification when you check someone’s location.

Read also: Does SnapChat tell you who rewatched your story?

Does Snapchat notify when you look at an astrology profile?

Similar to checking someone’s Snap score or browsing public content on their profile, Snapchat doesn’t notify users when someone views their astrology profile.

Snapchat does not send any notification alerts to the user when someone checks their astrology profile because it is not considered a direct interaction like sending snaps or commenting on stories.

Read the article: Does Snapchat notify when you look at someone’s astrology profile?


Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s profile?

No, Snapchat doesn’t notify the person when you look at someone’s profile.

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s public profile?

No, Snapchat does not send any notifications when you look at someone’s public profile .

Does Snapchat tell when you look at someone’s location?

No, viewing someone’s location does not trigger any alerts.

Does someone know if you checked their Snapchat score?

No, Snapchat doesn’t know if you check someone’s snap score.

Does Snapchat notify when you look at an astrology profile?

No, Snapchat doesn’t notify when you look at an astrology profile.


When you look at someone’s profile, Snapchat does not notify users. Snapchat does not notify users of any public information available on the profile page, including their username, Snapchat score, profile picture, and Bitmoji.

What are your thoughts on Snapchat’s privacy? Drop them in the comments below!

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