Does Snapchat notify when you check Snap Score?

Everyone on Snapchat loves checking their friends’ profiles and their Snap scores and has a very common question in their mind: What happens when I check my friends’ Snap scores?

Does Snapchat notify when you check Snap Score?

Snapchat does not notify your friends when you check their Snap scores.

Let’s deep dive into the topic: does Snapchat notify when you check Snap score?

What is the Snap Score?

The Snap score on Snapchat is a number that tells you your overall activity on the platform. It increases based on the various actions you take.

  • One point is added to every snap you have sent and received.
  • Sharing snaps of your story also contributes to your score. Value depends on the engagement of your story.
  • Watching other people’s snaps and stories doesn’t influence your score.
  • Text messages that you share on Snapchat do not add value to your snap score.
  • The exact formula for calculating the Snap score remains a Snapchat secret.

Does Snapchat notify when you check Snap Score?

“Snapchat doesn’t notify your friends when you view their snap score.”

You can freely check your friends’ Snap scores without worrying about notification alerts.

Snapchat focuses on privacy and avoids sending notifications about unwanted information.

Sending notifications for every score view could quickly become overwhelming and detract from the platform’s core experience.

How to Increase Snap Score on Snapchat?

You can increase your Snap score by following some strategies.

  • Every snap you send (photo, video, or text) adds a point to your score. Start sending Snap to your friends every day.
  • When you open a snap sent to you, you also receive a point. Make sure to open all your snaps.
  • Every snap you add to your story counts towards your score.
  • Be consistent in sending snaps; that will help you increase your snap score.

How to check your friend’s Snapchat score?

Follow the below steps to check your friend’s Snap score.

Open the Snapchat app on your device.

Open Snapchat from your device

Click on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen.

Click on chat icon from the bottom of the screen

Select the friend whose Snap score you want to know.

Select the friend from the my friends list

Now, click on the name of your friend.

click on the name of your friend.

Below the name, you will find a ghost icon and number. This is your friend’s Snap score.

Below the name, you will find a ghost icon and number. This is your friend’s Snap score

How to check your Snap score?

Let’s see how you can check your Snap score.

Open Snapchat on your device.

Open Snapchat from your device

Click on the profile icon in the top-left corner.

Select the profile from the top left icon

Below your name, there will be a ghost icon and some numbers next to it. This is your Snap score.

Below your name, there is a snap score

Does Snap Score include chat?

No, chat messages on Snapchat do not contribute to your Snap score.

Snap score only depends on video and photo snaps. Chat messages do not increase your snap score. Texting on Snapchat will not add points to your Snap score.

Do group chats increase Snap Score?

Yes, group chats can contribute to your Snap score. When you send a snap to a group, it will count as one point.

It will not add any points to your Snap score when you send one Snap to multiple groups.

Each snap only earns you one point, no matter how many times you share it.

Does your Snap score increase with unopened snaps?

No, your Snap score does not increase with unopened snaps. Only opening a snap will increase your snap score.

The sender won’t receive any notification or indication that you’ve viewed their snap if you leave it unopened.

Does your Snap score increase when you receive a Snap?

Yes, your Snap score increases by one point every time you receive a Snap.

But remember, your score will only increase when you open the Snap.

Read also: Does your Snap score increase when you replay a snap?


Does Snapchat notify when you check the Snap Score?

No, Snapchat does not notify.

Does Snap Score include chat?

No, chat does not contribute to your Snap score.

Do group chats increase Snap Score?

Yes, group chats increase your Snap score.

Does your Snap score increase when you receive a Snap?

Yes, your Snap score will increase.

Does your Snap score increase with unopened snaps?

No, with unopened snaps, your Snap score will not increase.


Snapchat does not notify your friends when you check their Snapchat score.

You can freely check anyone’s Snap score without worrying about notification alerts.

What is your Snap score? Don’t forget to share your Snap score in the comment below.

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