Does Snapchat give prizes for streaks?

Ever wondered if keeping those Snapchat streaks going could lead to more than just a number beside your friend’s name?

Does Snapchat give prizes for streaks?

Officially, Snapchat does not offer any tangible prizes or rewards for maintaining streaks, no matter how impressive the length.

However, there are still some cool things that happen as your streaks lengthen.

Let’s unravel the mystery behind Snapchat streaks and whether there’s a chance for some extra goodies as a reward.

Does Snapchat give prizes for streaks?

“Snapchat does not offer any tangible prizes or rewards for maintaining streaks. Still, there are cool things that you will get as your streaks lengthen.”

Snapchat streaks, also called Snapstreaks, are like a fun game to see how many days in a row you and a friend can exchange Snaps (photos or videos).

Every time you both send and receive a Snap within a day, your streak goes up by one day. As your streak gets longer, you’ll see a little fire emoji next to your friend’s name in your chat list, along with a number that tells you how many days your streak has lasted.

It’s a cool way to show you’re staying connected with your friend every day!

What are Snapchat streaks and their mechanics?

Snapchat streaks are a fun way to track how many days you and your friends have exchanged snaps. When you send and receive a snap within 24 hours, your streak counter increases by one.

The mechanics are simple:

  • Snap back and forth: Both you and your friend need to send and receive at least one Snap within 24 hours of the last received Snap for the streak to continue.
  • The clock is ticking: You have 24 hours from the moment you receive a Snap to send one back and keep the streak alive.
  • Visual cues: The fire emoji signifies an active streak. Its number updates daily to reflect the streak’s length.
  • Oops, I missed it! Don’t worry, if you forget to send a Snap before the timer runs out, you have a one-time “oops” chance to revive the streak within 24 hours. Just send a Snap with the “streak rescue” caption, and hopefully, your friend will reciprocate.

Why do people care?

  • Having Snapchat streaks is like a playful game with your friends. It makes you feel proud when you see the number go up.
  • It is also a way to strengthen your friendships. Sending a quick “good morning” snap every day keeps you close and connected.
  • Hitting big streak milestones is not just a number—it’s a personal win. It reminds you of the dedication and friendship you’ve put into keeping those streaks alive.

What are Snap Streaks rewards?

Let’s discuss some cool things that happen as your streaks lengthen.

  • You can unlock special emojis with the progression of your streak.
  • It encourages you to maintain consistent communication with your family and friends.
  • It gives you personal satisfaction when you reach significant milestones within streaks.

What happens when you get a 365-day streak on Snapchat?

Reaching a 365-day Snapchat streak is no small feat! This accomplishment comes with several rewards.

  • You can unlock the exclusive 1000-day emoji beside your friend’s name.
  • You will get a special badge in your chat list alongside the 1000-day emoji.
  • It signifies a full year of daily interaction and shared moments with your friends.

Snapchat 1,000 streak gift

  • You can unlock the coveted 1000-day emoji.
  • You will get a fiery badge displayed next to your friend’s name.
  • You will receive shout-outs or congratulations from Snapchat Support on social media.

Highest Snapchat streak

The title of the highest Snapchat streak currently belongs to two friends, Hannah and Lauren Luckey.

They have maintained their streak since the feature was introduced on April 6th, 2015. As of today, December 18th, 2023, their streak stands at a staggering 3046+ days (and counting)!

  • Fatmis & Samko: 2655 days
  • John & Harley: 2616 days
  • Ally Zaino and Kat Bruneau: 2165 days (as of November 2021)

Read also: Does Snapchat pay you for streaks?


Snapchat doesn’t officially offer prizes for maintaining streaks, no matter how impressive the length.

Still, there are cool things that you will get as your streaks lengthen. You will get a special badge, and you can unlock unique emojis, etc.

What are your thoughts about Snapchat streaks? Have you had streaks with your friends? Share your stories and achievements in the comments below.

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