Does Snapchat automatically make best friends?

Ever wondered if Snapchat just picks your best friends for you? Let’s see if the app has a role in making those buddy choices!

Does Snapchat automatically make best friends?

No, Snapchat doesn’t automatically make the best friends for you. While the platform assigns “Best Friends” emojis based on your interaction with specific users, it doesn’t actively “choose” your best friends.

What Are Snapchat Best Friends?

Snapchat best friends refer to a list of individuals with whom you frequently exchange snaps. These are the friends you interact with the most on the platform.

While Snapchat used to have a public Best Friends feature, allowing users to see each other’s top friends, it has been replaced with a private Friend Emojis system.

Now, emojis represent the level of interaction between you and your friends, adding a fun and personalized touch to your Snapchat experience.

Does Snapchat automatically make best friends?

Your best friends on Snapchat are the people you chat with and share snaps with the most. They show up at the top when you’re about to send something, making it easy to find and talk to the friends you interact with a lot. You can have up to eight best friends, and the list changes depending on who you talk to the most. Does Snapchat automatically make best friends?

“Snapchat doesn’t just pick your best friends automatically. You get to choose them yourself.”

You have to manually pick your best friends; Snapchat doesn’t do it automatically for you.

Read also: Does Snapchat flip your photos?

How to Add Best Friend Forever on Snapchat?

If you have Snapchat+, you can choose a #1 Best Friend who gets pinned at the top and receives a special emoji badge in your chat.

Step 1: Open Snapchat on your device.

Open Snapchat from your device

Step 2: Click on the chat icon at the bottom of the screen.

Click on chat icon from the bottom of the screen

Step 3: Press and hold a friend then Select “Set as #1 Best Friend” from the menu.

Select "Set as #1 Best Friend" from the menu

How to Customize Best Friend Emojis?

Each of your Snapchat best friends gets a special emoji based on how much you chat and interact with them.

Step 1: Open Snapchat on your device.

Open Snapchat from your device

Step 2: Click on your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.

Select the profile from the top left icon

Step 3: Click on the settings icon in the top right corner.

Select settings from top right icon

Step 4: Scroll down and select “Customize Emojis.”

Scroll down and select “Customize Emojis.”

Step 5: You can now select and change the emoji by clicking on the one you prefer.

change the emoji by clicking on the one you prefer.

What is the meaning behind friend emojis on Snapchat?

Friend Emojis on Snapchat are like special symbols that show how you and your friends use the app. They might change based on your interactions. Just so you know, if your Friend Emojis, including BFF and Super BFF, recently changed, Snapchat can’t do anything about it.

Pink heart

Super BFF: You and your friend have been each other’s top Best Friend for two months straight. It’s becoming a real friendship milestone!

Red heart

BFF: You and your friend have held the spot as each other’s #1 Best Friend for two weeks in a row.

Yellow Heart

Besties: You and this Snapchatter are each other’s very best friends. You both send lots of Snaps to each other—it’s a two-way street of friendship!

Smily emoji

BFs: This Snapchatter is one of your Best Friends because you exchange lots of Snaps, but they’re not your absolute top Best Friend.

A grimacing face emoji

Mutual Besties: You’re each other’s top Best Friend.

A smiling face with sunglasses emoji

Mutual BFs: One of your good buddies is also someone special to this Snapchatter!

How to know if someone has pinned you as their best friend on Snapchat?

Unfortunately, there’s no direct way to know for sure if someone pinned you as their best friend on Snapchat, even if you have Snapchat Plus.

Here are some indirect clues that might indicate you’re someone’s pinned friend:

  • Consistently sending and receiving snaps from this person more than most of your other friends.
  • Having a long snapstreak with this person compared to others
  • Observing their Bitmojis reacting specifically to yours or engaging in unique actions together are indicators of a special connection.

If you pin someone on Snapchat as #1 BFF, does it tell them?

Pinning your friend as your #BFF on Snapchat won’t send them a notification. It’s a quiet and personal way to keep them at the top of your friend list.

The person you pin as your #1 BFF won’t receive any notifications or alerts about being pinned.


Snapchat doesn’t decide who your best friends are; you get to choose them. The app might use emojis to show who you interact with the most, but the real decision is in your hands. Your best friends on Snapchat are the ones you pick!

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